Sunday, August 10

Kellan Joshua - 4 Months

So I realize this post is a tad late considering little man will be 5 months this week, but as I've always said, better late than never! 
You are ALL boy, full of stinky smells, silly sounds and are really packing on the pounds! Your favorite thing is to lay on the couch and watch the ceiling fan, you'll talk to it and laugh at yourself... it's ADORABLE!! We've been blessed with another great sleeper, most nights you're sleeping 8-10 hours! HALLELUJAH! This month you even rolled from your tummy to your back... So many changes! We love you Bubba!
Weight: 13 lbs, 13 oz
Height: 24 inches
Head circumference: 40.5 cm
Percentile: 25th (combined)
Eating schedule:  You're nursing every 3-4 hours for 8-20 minutes. 
Sleep:  Holy moly have you become an incredible sleeper!  Naps during the day are usually about 2 hours long and there is typically one in the morning and one in the late afternoon.  I haven't gotten you on a strict schedule yet, but I'm trying. :)  You're also sleeping 9-12 hours at night which is a total blessing!!!!!
Favorite things: You've become a lot more social and love talking to anyone who will put their face next to yours.  Your neck control is much better and you love spending time in your baby Einstein jumper.  Hands down, though your favorite thing is a ceiling fan.  You can sit and talk to the fan in the living room for hours, just smiling and cooing away at it.  Super adorable. 
Milestones: Much more alert and are responding to certain people with smiles and lots of funny faces.
Clothing/Diaper size:You're wearing 3 month clothes for the most part with some 0-3 from Old Navy still fitting really well.  Size 2 diapers.  
Here are some of my favorite pictures from this month!  I love you Kellan!!!! 

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Tuesday, July 1

Summer Meal Planning with Pinterest

It's been an incredibly busy Summer so far; full of family, friends and lots of FUN!  Lately, Josh and I have developed an awesome new way of planning our weekly meals and it has really helped save my sanity!  

Every Sunday we sit down together and pull up my Pinterest board with meals we want to try (most of them we've tried and LOVED and just keep there for reference).   As we finish discussing the schedule for the week ahead, we find the meals we're craving and put them on a day.  Next we pull the ingredients needed for each meal (plus the house staples) and create a shopping list with them.  This has helped save us some money because we are buying for specific meals, no more, no less.  It has made meal planning a breeze and completely eliminates the "what do you want for dinner tonight?" convo that every married couple dreads.  

Here are some links to our most favorite meals as of late!

I've also had quite the sweet tooth lately... but losing these last 5 lbs is something I'm bound and determined to do, so what is a gal to do?   I pull recipes off of my dessert board and bake, bake, bake. Here's the kicker though; 95% of each batch I send to work with Josh.  I get to try out some of those recipes I've been drooling over for the past year without getting stuck with the massive amount of calories I'd inhale if they stayed lying around the house all week.  This week I sent off a festive Fourth of July candy bark that was SCRUMPTIOUS.  I posted a pic to my instagram page (@NickiLynne15) and had several requests for the recipe, so here it is! 

Before I go I also wanted to share these absolutely adorable creations I've been working on this week!  I've been dying to order some leather moccasins for Kellan but just can't seem to justify spending the big bucks for them when I know his little chunk feet will soon be too big.  SO, what is a crafty mom to do?  Figure out an alternative!  I found a pattern for some baby booties and LOVE how they turned out.  I think they're a GREAT alternative to the moccs... for now! These are available for purchase on my Facebook Shop page if you're interested!

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Tuesday, June 24

DIY Sequin Bow Headband

Spring cleaning was in full force at my house this past month.  Josh and I had accumulated so many articles of clothing that our closet was bursting at the seams and we weren't even wearing HALF of the clothes in there.  We knew it was time for our annual purge and over Memorial Day weekend we finally took the plunge.  I decided that if it hadn't been worn it in a year it was time to donate.  While cleaning I stumbled upon this little beauty and took a stroll down memory lane to a life pre-children, pre-mommy.  I bought this dress as a Halloween costume back when my body was just a tad bit tighter and tried to pass myself off as a disco ball.  What was I thinking?! 

Well, I'm a typical woman; completely and utterly attracted to anything that glitters and couldn't bring myself to throw it out.  Instead I decided to do a little up-cycling.  I have been seeing these deliciously sparkly bow headbands everywhere these days and decided to give it a go for myself... Here are my step-by-step instructions for those of you who would like to try, too!  

What you'll need:
- Pre-mommy sparkly dress (or any sequin material)
- Black jersey knit material
- Scissors
- Hot glue gun
- Sewing machine
- Sewing thread 
- Rotary cutter (optional)
- Cutting mat (optional)

I took my dress and did a little surgery using fabric scissors.  Turning it inside out I cut the sequin material from the black jersey material.  

Next I cut the sequin material into a 10" x 7" rectangle.
Next you'll take the black jersey material and cut it 5" x "17 (or however long you're needing to fit) Callie is 2 years old and the material stretches quite a bit, this fit her perfectly.  

I also cut a piece of sequin material 2" x 4" (not pictured) to act as the center of the bow.  Next you'll take your pieces to the craft table to glue and sew...

Taking your large sequin rectangle, fold the bottom up to the center (right side down).  Add a strip of hot glue to the edge and fold the top down to meet in the center. 

Turn the material vertically (so it looks like an I) and repeat the last step; fold the bottom up to the middle, glue across and then fold the top down to meet it in the center.  It will now look like this (the back of the bow).

Put this aside and grab the black jersey material.  Using your sewing machine and a zig-zag stitch sew the right sides together straight down lengthwise.  

Turn right side out. 
And now sew the ends together. I used blue thread for a visual, but of course, you'll use matching thread.

Using the smaller sequin material, glue the long edges together right side down.  You'll now have these three pieces :

Turn the larger sequin piece right side down and pinch length wise in the middle so that when you turn it around it looks like this (are you starting to see the bow?):

 Then using your glue gun and the smaller sequin piece, attach it to the middle of your bow (nice and tight!)

Now all you have to do is attach it to your black jersey headband.  You can also use your choice of elastic if you so choose.  I think it would look adorable on some black glitter elastic, too! You can either hot glue it to the headband or sew it on.  I choose to sew mine just to make it a little more sturdy.  Then put it on your little model and snap away!  

And that's it!  Pretty simple, right?!  I LOVE that it was an up-cycle.  There is still plenty of material left for other projects, too. My brain is just twitching at all of the possibilities... I hope you enjoyed this tutorial, feel free to comment with any questions as well!  And don't forget to stop by and "LIKE" my Facebook and Etsy pages, too.   Happy crafting! If you like it, please consider pinning it! 

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Wednesday, June 18

Kellan Joshua - 3 Months

This little cutie just turned 3 months on the 14th!  Boy is he becoming sweeter than sugar!!!  Here's a little bit about his third month....

Weight: Roughly 11 lbs even.  We didn't have a doctor's appointment this month so I had to do my best with our home scale.
Height: 22 inches - again this could be a little off because I was the one to do it :)
Head circumference: ??
Percentile: ??
Eating schedule:  You're nursing every 3-4 hours for 8-20 minutes. 
Sleep:  This month you gave Mommy her first full night of sleep!  On June 4th you slept 8 hours... It was glorious - minus the insanely painful rocks on my chest in the morning.  19 ounces and a nursing session later I felt much, much better.  After that one night you went back to waking up once around 2:00 or 4:00 am. 
Favorite things: You're starting to discover your voice and it's flipping adorable.  Little coo's or attempts at fake crying are the cutest things ever.  Your little eyes follow anything around you, especially when your sister is trying to show you one of her many Mickey toys.  Mommy can kiss your chubby cheeks and a smile appears 9 times out of 10.  Mommas boy?  I think yes.
Milestones: Slept through the night (once).  More awake/alert during the day.
Clothing/Diaper size: 0-3 months and 3 months.  Size 1 diaper.  Although you desperately need to be upgraded to a two, but I refuse to make the move until we've used up the current 1's we have! Call me cheap frugal. :)

Here are some of Kellan's 3 month photos courtesy of Mommy :)
Onesie // Tumbleweed TexStyles

And of course, some of my favorite IG pictures from the month.  You can follow me if you'd like! NickiLynne15

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